20/09 : Conference and workshops


From 9:00 AM to 12:10 PM 

  • 9:00 AM | Welcome speech at Mosa Ballet School and presentation of the program Quand on Danse
    by Benjamine de Cloedt, Founder and President & Laura Dethier, Societal Impact Program Manager, Mosa Ballet School
  • 09:15 AM | Physical Activity in Cancer 
     by Frédérique Bernard, Experte en activité physique et intimité de la Fondation contre le Cancer et kinésithérapeute en oncologie 
  • 09h45 | Dance as a tool in cancer care  
    by David Rodriguez, Project Leader of "Dansons la Vie!"
  • 10:25 AM | Dance in Cancer Care: A Movement 
    by Emily Jenkins, Artist and Founder of " Move Dance Feel & Women Who Dance"
  • 11:05 AM | Coffee break
  • 11:30 AM | Discovering the "Rafaël Dance Therapy Protocol" 
    by Sheherazade Boyer-Tami, Danse thérapeute, Directrice générale de l’Institut Rafaël & Dr. Toledano, Cancérologue Radiothérapeute, Président de l'Institut Rafael, Directeur de la Chaire Santé Intégrative au CNAM 
  • 12:10 PM | Dancing through cancer: evidence and experience 
    by Dr Peter Lovatt, Dance Psychologist

Lunch & networking

From 12:50 PM to 2:00 PM 

Participatory workshops (choose one) 

From 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM | Optionnal workshop | Exploration of specific themes

  • Danse Demain (subtitles in English)  FR
    Film screening and discussion with the director, Dounia Zellou​
  •  Dansons la vie !   FR​ 
    Dance Workshop with David Rodriguez
  • Découvrir le "Rafaël Dance Therapy Protocol"   FR
    Dance Workshop with Sheherazade Boyer-Tami
  • Dancing into connection  EN
    Dance Workshop with Emily Jenkins
  • Move-Assure: Dance for mental well-being   EN
    Dance workshop with Dr Peter Lovatt

Wrap up and Q&A​

3:30 PM    

 Moderated by Clare Guss-West, Specialist in applied Dance for Health 

Closing “In movement” 

4:30 PM 

Drink & Networking

From 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM 

21/09 : Workshops

9:00 AM | Dance workshops 

  • Harnessing the transformative power of dance  EN​/FR 
    with Clare Guss-West, Specialist in dance-based health
  • Move-Assure: Dance for mental well-being​   EN​  
    with Peter Lovatt, Dance Psychologist

10:30 AM to 10:45 AM | Break 

10:45 AM to 12:15 PM | Dance workshops 

  • Dansons la vie !   FR​ 
    with David Rodriguez, Project leader of Dansons la vie !
  • Dancing into Connection ​​​​EN ​ ​  
    with Emily Jenkins, Artist and Founder of " Move Dance Feel & Women Who Dance"

21/09 : Professional training 

1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

  • Danse, Santé et Vieillissement (3h00)   FR​   EN​ 
    with Clare Guss-West, Specialist in dance-based health

Information and registration   

  Accessible uniquement en présentiel
  Accessible également online
  Activités traduites simultanément en français et en anglais

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